Here is something for the ears

In this podcast format, Stefan Klingsöhr, Managing Director of the Klingsöhr Group, invites experts, decision-makers and colleagues from the real estate industry to talk. There are enough topics and contents to debate and talk about. In times of climate protection targets, structural change, pandemic, inflation, interest rate turnaround, Russia's war in Ukraine and supply bottlenecks, the industry is more on the move than it has been for decades. This makes it all the more important to also talk about developments and solutions.
Look forward to informative and entertaining minutes.

Neukölln: new real estate hotspot
For our new edition of the Klingsöhr podcast, we have invited Dr Michael Voigtländer, economist at the German Economic Institute, and Holger Friedrichs, Managing Director of PB3C. Together with our Managing Director Stefan Klingsöhr, they discuss the dynamic development of the Berlin district of Neukölln. Over the past six years, the capital has recorded higher economic growth than the national average. Neukölln in particular is increasingly becoming a hotspot for new property projects, with projects such as HOHE NEUN reflecting the attractiveness of the district. What factors are favouring Neukölln's positive development and what opportunities are opening up for investors, tenants and residents? Listen in as our experts discuss these questions!

Why Neukölln is a location of the future
Heskel Nathaniel, founder and managing director of Trockland Management GmbH, is a guest in our new edition of the Klingsöhr podcast. The Berlin-based project developer spoke to Stefan Klingsöhr at the end of last year about Neukölln as a location for new real estate projects. For him, one thing is clear: even though the district is struggling with some challenges, it offers an inspiring and, above all, authentic environment for new ideas. And Nathaniel and Klingsöhr share a positive experience: in Neukölln, business development, administration and politics are all pulling in the same direction. Because they all want the district to continue to develop positively.

How is the market for office real estate developing in Berlin?
Michael Voigtländer is a guest on our new edition of the Klingsöhr Podcast. He heads the International Economic Policy, Financial and Real Estate Markets cluster at the Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) in Cologne and recently published an expert report on the prospects for Berlin's office property market. In our podcast, Voigtländer talks with Stefan Klingsöhr about what makes Berlin stand out as a location for office real estate. For him, it's clear that demand for office real estate will increase in the capital, because the office employment rate of 42.8 percent is the lowest among all the top 7 cities, while at the same time the number of residents is constantly rising. In addition, the number of jobs in industry and commerce is decreasing and the service sector is gaining in importance. Michael Voigtländer talks about how mobile working and ESG have changed the requirements for office real estate - and what should not be missing in the office of the future despite possibly reduced space.

How ist ESG changing our real estate?
Goesta Ritschewald is a guest on our new edition of the Klingsöhr Podcast. As an expert in institutional investment products, he has been working intensively on the topic of sustainability and talks about ESG in our podcast with Stefan Klingsöhr and Sonja Rösch from PB3C. When it comes to valuing real estate, environmental, social and corporate governance issues have become driving factors. Project developers are asking themselves what equipment new properties need to remain sustainable. The overriding goal is to reduce CO2 emissions. But new buildings don't just have to be up to date in terms of energy: a climate-protecting construction project already starts with the selection of building materials that have a small ecological footprint and a careful use of resources. Buyers now also pay close attention to how well potential properties are prepared for the future in terms of ESG when looking for long-term investment assets. In any case, our three panelists agree on one point: legal requirements should be made transparent to the public and be implementable in construction.

How do we want to work in the future?
In the new edition of the Klingsöhr podcast, Tristan Horx from the Zukunftsinstitut is our guest. He is one of the most sought-after trend and futurologists in Germany and Austria and combines both a fresh, young perspective on insights in the industry and years of experience in the same. The cultural and social anthropologist focuses primarily on developments that can be observed in different generations, especially megatrends such as neo-ecology and new work. In a conversation with Stefan Klingsöhr, they will discuss the prerequisites that a contemporary and sustainable workplace should have. Both agree that the "classic office" has had its day. But what exactly does an office look like that can meet New Work demands? And what quality must an office building of tomorrow actually have? You'll find all the answers in this 30-minute look into the future. Have fun.

Ziehen am Immobilienhimmel dunkle Wolken auf?
In der neuen Ausgabe des Klingsöhr-Podcasts ist Andreas Schulten zu Gast. Er ist Generalbevollmächtigter der bulwiengesa AG, einem der größten unabhängigen Beratungs- und Analyseunternehmen für die Immobilienbranche in Deutschland. Im Gespräch mit Stefan Klingsöhr gibt er einen Ausblick bezüglich Inflation, weiterer Zinsanstiege und Rezessionsangst. In den vergangenen Jahren förderte die Niedrigzinspolitik den Immobilienmarkt. Das ändert sich jetzt. Die beiden Branchenexperten fragen sich: Ziehen düstere Wolken auf oder fällt der Immobilienmarkt nur in einen tiefen Winterschlaf? Inwieweit ist die aktuelle Krise vergleichbar mit jenen aus der Vergangenheit? Und gibt es vielleicht doch eine Immobilienblase? Alle Antworten hören Sie hier in der kompletten Folge. Viel Spaß.

Wie kann man in Krisenzeiten Projekte entwickeln?
Zu Gast in der neuen Ausgabe des Klingsöhr-Podcasts ist Jürgen Michael Schick, Präsident des Immobilienverbands Deutschland (IVD) und Geschäftsführer der MICHAEL SCHICK IMMOBILIEN GmbH & Co. KG. In der anregenden Diskussion mit Stefan Klingsöhr geht es um folgende Fragen: Was bringt die Zukunft hinsichtlich der Projektentwicklungen unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Situation?Wie entwickelt sich der Markt für Käufer und Verkäufer? Und wie verändert sich der Bestandsmarkt? Wie es sich für ein Streitgespräch gehört, sind sich die Gesprächsteilnehmer nicht in allen Punkten einig, aber sie geben viele interessante Einblicke in die Immobilienbranche. Viel Spaß beim Hören der kompletten Folge.

Immobilienblase ja, aber sie platzt nicht
In der neuen Ausgabe des Klingsöhr-Podcasts ist Dr. Reiner Braun, Vorstandsvorsitzender der empirica AG, zu Gast. Im Streitgespräch mit Stefan Klingsöhr werden die Entwicklungen am Wohnungsmarkt diskutiert. Beide Branchenexperten überraschen mit spannenden Thesen und unerwarteten Analysen. Dr. Reiner Braun ist sich sicher: „Wir haben eine Immobilienblase, aber sie wird nicht platzen.“ Wie er zu dieser Aussage kommt und wie Stefan Klingsöhr dazu steht, erfahren Sie in der kompletten Folge.